Old site – The GDV Approach


All objects, both animate and inanimate, when placed in a high tension electric field create a gas discharge the pattern of which is influenced by their properties. In the 1880’s, Nicola Tesla a Czech physicist working the US found that luminous discharges appear around the body when it is exposed to high frequency electromagnetic field. Since the 1940’s Kirlian photographs also produced by exposure to an electric field have revealed a human “aura”. The existence of the phenomenon is not in question, however, it’s explanation and interpretation is. With the high intensity electric field and other physical conditions held constant, variations in the resulting image are likely to be primarily influenced by the nature of the gas around the finger, and the conductance properties of the skin and body. We can identify three alternative, but not mutually exclusive, explanations of why the vapour around the finger and conductance of the skin and body may vary: the biological, the biophysical and the metaphysical. The biological approach views the GDV image as a result of a local reaction to an electric field, e.g. the ionisation of water molecules or salts on the skin, or a reaction to the iron in the blood. Thus the change observed in an individual’s image over time and the differences observed between individuals, are considered likely due to differences within and between people in the properties of their skin, body tissues and plasma. Such change can be linked to differences in metabolism which arise because of differences in organ functioning, diet, hormones, body rhythms, autonomic nervous system, or psycho-emotional states. Thus, the GDV image can be reasoned to reflect in a general manner both body functioning and mental states. The biophysical approach uses our developing knowledge of body physics to provide an explanation. Korotkov (1998) states that the human organism also has a complex electromagnetic field “which varies in response to the slightest changes in physiological condition”. The GDV image is influenced by this field because “under the high frequencies that are generated by sharp pulses the nature of the discharge is influenced by the properties not only of the local area of the skin by the electrode, but of the whole body as well”. Thus a key distinction of the biophysical from the biological approach, is that the images are not just the product of a local or general body reaction but reflect the whole body’s energy field. “The physical aura of the biological object and man in particular is the total combination of the physical fields and radiations, formed by a body in space both due to its own emission and interaction with the processes in the environment”. The metaphysical approach has its basis in Eastern philosophy. The aura reflects a spiritual energy or universal life force. Chakras or body energy centres and meridians form part of this energy system. Thus, stress management techniques such as acupuncture, meditation, yoga, and tai-chi are reasoned to affect this energy field by unblocking energy meridians and reducing energy leakage to bring about a balance in body energy. The approach tends to be more holistic than traditional Western doctrine with mind and body seen as part of the same system. Consequently, a strong and balanced body energy field represents both a healthy physical and mental state. The definition of skilled athletes’ readiness for competitive activity is one of the actual problems of sport psychophysiology and psychology. In respect that the athletes’ psycho-physical readiness for competition is defined by two basic factors, namely the specific character of their mental state, as well as the level of development and ability for the mobilisation of organism’s psycho-physiological reserves, there have been elaborate psychological and psychoenergy evaluation for the purpose of prognosis of the success of competitive activity including the following techniques: * Subjective and objective assessment of psycho-emotional state and prognosis of the suc-cess of competitive activity; expert evaluation of personified conclusions by the coaches . * Subjective assessment of psycho-energy state using POMS questionnaire. * Testing of physical work-capacity (VO2 max; oxygen pulse; time of PWC keeping). * BEO GDV Technique. * Evaluation of acupoints’ functional state by registration of quasi-DC V-potential. * Statistical processing of the experimental data by means of the correlative and factor analysis. * In a study of 102 skilled athletes specialised in the following sports: swimming, Nordic combination, skiing and basketball of the ages 17 – 22, 68 males and 34 females were used. The use of battery of tests including 23 parameters for determination of the psycho-emotional state and the prognosis of the success of competitive activity gave the primary rating of athletes’ psychophysical readiness (PPR). All investigated athletes were divided to three groups: * 1st group – athletes with high PPR * 2nd group – athletes with medium PPR * 3rd group – athletes with low PPR. The comparison of athletes’ readiness rating being structured with their subjective assessment by POMS method revealed a statistically significant difference of the 1st and the 3rd groups of athletes by PPR assessment. As a result of analysis of BEO-grams of fingers it showed statistically reliable differences of the basic parameters of BEO-grams among the 1st and the 3rd groups of athletes. This difference was demonstrated for the following parameters of BEO-grams: * The area of BEO-gram of every finger of the left and right hand. * The areas of different sectors of BEO-grams of the ring (4th) finger of both hands. * Fractal parameters of BEO-grams. * Types of BEO-grams after K. Korotkov [1]: K-, R-, L-, N-, S- in accordance with the level of their destructurisation, or increase of fractality. It was demonstrated that at rest the BEO-grams of the athletes of the 3rd group with low PPR is typical for the healthy subjects of the same age and mainly belong to R-type. For the athletes with high PPR (1st group) the BEO-gram at rest is much less structured belonging mainly to L-type with significant percentage of N-type. After physical loading for all the athletes it was found transition to the “worse” type of BEO-gram: L- for the 3rd group and N- for the 1st group with some percentage of N- and S- types respectively. For athletes with medium PPR it was combination of R- and L-types at rest with dominance of L-N types after physical loading. These results confirm conclusions of our long-term studies of BEO-grams of top-level athletes: their dominant type of BEO-grams at rest is quite different from the types of BEO-grams of relatively healthy people and “worsens” after training and mostly in the process of sport competition. In correlation with other data this may be interpreted as a preliminary evidence for transition of top-level athletes to the state of Altered State of Consciousness during competition.

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